  1. Layer  2 forwarding protocol
  2. Data Encryption Standard
  3. Secure hash algorithmi
  4. Advanced Encryption Standard
  5. Diffiehellman
  6. RSA
  7. Generic Routing Encapsulation
  8. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
  9. 3 DES
  10. IPSEC
  11. PPTD
  12. Message Digests

Lab 3.6.4 Connect and Configure Hosts

Step 3: Step 3: Assign the PCs an IP address and default gateway
i. Why do you think the IP addresses are different, but the subnet masks and default gateways are the same?
Jawaban: Setiap perangkat pada jaringan harus memiliki identifikasi unik. IP alamat adalah salah satu cara unik mengidentifikasi setiap host jaringan atau perangkat. Default gateway merupakan cara berkomunikasi dengan perangkat yang TIDAK pada jaringan Anda sendiri
Langkah 4: Pastikan konfigurasi alamat IP
e. Are the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway correct for the first PC?
Jawaban: Ya
g. Are the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway correct for the second PC?
Jawaban: Ya

Step 6: Configure the NetBIOS name

a. Right-click Start and select the Explore option.
b. How many drive letters are shown in the window that appears?
Jawaban : Tergantung pada perangkat keras yang diinstal, namun akan ada minimal satu dan paling mungkin dua (Harddisk dan CD / DVD drive)
c. Which drive letters are shown?
Jawaban : tergantung pada perangkat keras yang terpasang, tetapi biasanya ada minimal C: drive untuk harddan drive D: drive untuk drive CD / DVD

Step 7: Verify configuration

c. The nbtstat –a command can be used to look at a remote computer’s name table. Type nbtstat
again from the command prompt. Notice in the output that when you use the –a switch, you have to put a space and then type a remote computer’s name (RemoteName).
From PC1, type nbtstat –a PC2 and press Enter. The nbtstat information for PC2 shows on PC1’s monitor.
What command would be used from the command prompt on PC2 to view information about PC1?
Jawaban : nbtstat-a PC1
f. Write the command that would be typed on PC2 to view information about PC1, using the IP address of PC1 instead of the NetBIOS name.
Jawaban : nbtstat-A
i. Does the ping succeed using lower case letters?
Jawaban : Ya

Lab 3.5.2 IP Addresses and Network Communication

Step 5: Change IP address for PC2 
a. On PC2, go to the Control Panel, double click the Network Connections icon, and then right click the connected Local Area Connection icon. Choose Properties from the pull-down menu. 
b. Using the scroll bar in the Local Area Connection Properties window, scroll down to highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click the Properties button. 
c. Change the logical IP address for PC2 from to and leave the subnet mask set to On what network is PC2 now?
Jawaban : PC2 is now on the network 
d. Click OK, which will close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window. Click the Close button to exit theLocal Area Connection Properties window. 
e. Refer back to Step 3c. On what network is PC1? PC1 is still on the network. 
f. The two PCs are still on the same physical Ethernet network. Are they on the same logical IP network?Jawaban: NO

Step 6: Test network connectivity between the 2 PCs 
a. On PC1, go to Start, then Run. Type cmd, and then click OK. A Window command prompt window will appear. 
b. At the prompt, type ping and press Enter. Was it successful? No Why or why not? 
Jawaban: Ya.Karena pemasangan dan konfigurasinya benar. 
c. What type of networking device would allow the PCs to communicate?
Jawaban : A router, if placed between the 2 PCs using proper cabling

Step 7: Change IP address for PC1 
a. Using the procedure previously described, change the logical IP address for PC1 from to and leave the subnet mask set to On what network is PC1 now? 
Jawaban : Ya. PC1 is now on the network 
b. Click OK, which will close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window. Click the Close button to exit theLocal Area Connection Properties window. 
c. The two PCs are still on the same physical Ethernet network. Are they on the same logical IP network now?Jawaban: No.

Step 8: Test network connectivity between the 2 PCs 
a. On PC2, go to Start, then Run. Type cmd, and then click OK. A Window command prompt window will appear. 
b. At the prompt, type ping and press Enter. Was it successful? Yes Why or why not?
Jawaban : Ya .Karena masih dalam satu jaringan

Lab 3.3.6 Determine the IP Address of a Computer

Step 1: Determine the IP address of the computer

  1. From the Windows XP desktop, click the Start button, and then click Run.
  2. In the Run dialog box, type cmd then click the OK button.
  3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter.
  4. The ipconfig /all command then displays a list of information about your computer’s IP configuration. An example is shown in the following figure. The information displayed for your computer will be different.
  5. Locate the IP address and record the finding. Jawaban : IP address my computer is
  6. Why is it important that a computer get an IP address. Jawaban: Supaya dapat terkoneksi ke internet dan menjadi alamat yang bersifat unik bagi setiap computer. IP address penting sekali dalam proses koneksi dan pengiriman data

Lab 3.3.3 Determine the MAC Address of a Host

Step 3: Locate the MAC
in the output from the ipconfig /all command
a. Use the table below to fill in the description of the Ethernet adapter and the Physical (MAC) Address:
Description Physical Address(es)
WAN <PPP/SLIP> Interface 00-53-45-00-00-00
Step 4: Reflection
a. Why might a computer have more than one mac address?
Jawaban : karena mac memiliki pengaturan sendiri yang diberikan secara otomatis kepada komputer.
b. The sample output from the ipconfig /all command shown previously had only one MAC address. Suppose the output was from a computer that also had wireless Ethernet capability. How might the output change?
Jawaban : perubahan ini dapat dilakukan secara otomatis saat PC tekkoneksi.
c. Try disconnecting the cable(s) to your network adapter(s) and use the ipconfig /all command again. What changes do you see? Does the MAC address still display? Will the MAC address ever change?
Jawaban : ya. Perubahan pada mac dan IP addressnya.
d. What are other names for the MAC address?
Jawaban :

Lab 3.1.5 Building a Peer-to-Peer Network

Step 1: Diagram the network
b. A simple network like the one you designed can use a hub or switch as a central connecting device, or the PCs may be directly connected. Which kind of cable is required for a direct Ethernet connection between the two PCs? 
Jawaban :  Straight-through Cables

Step 2: Document the PCs 
a. Check the computer name settings for each PC and make adjustments as necessary. For each PC, select Start and Control Panel. Double-click the System icon, then click the Computer Name tab. Write down the computer name that is displayed following Full computer name:

PC1 Name Computer 1
PC2 Name Computer 2
d.Why is it important that each PC on a network have a unique name?
Jawaban : because if there are the same name of computer make the failed connections, and this is  the rules of connections.

Step 7: Verify connectivity using My Network Places 
b. Do you see an icon for the other PC in your peer-to-peer network?
Jawaban : yes, I do.
c. What is the name of the other PC?
Jawaban : à Cisco 27 and Cisco 28.
d. Is it the same name you recorded in Step 2?
Jawaban : No, it is.

Lab 2.3.3 Examining Operating System and Application Versions

Step 1: Determine the Windows XP version and revision number 
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer. 
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows. 
c. Which version of Windows XP and service pack is installed on your computer?
Jawaban: Windows XP Service pack 2 version 5.1 
d. How much physical memory (RAM) is available to Windows XP? Jawaban: 978,884 kb 
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
Jawaban: Memory important to an operating system because Memory does store temporary files from software and OS. The memory does not store the temporary files from software and OS. These files Should Be fast Pls reached a user application needs those files. These files must be achieved quickly when the application requires the file. Example: You’re working with a word proccesor and you’re typing. Example: You work with proccesor word and you type. Everything you type would be stored in the memory Sow you do not lose the data you’re Until you save That data on you’re hard drive it stays in the memory if the application is running. Everything you type will be stored in the memory sow you will not lose your data until you save the data on your hard drive is still in memory when the application is running.
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen. 
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows XP can you legally make? Jawaban: satu. 
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows window.
Step 2: Configure Windows XP for updates
a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. If the right window pane shows Pick a Category, select the Switch to Classic View link in the left pane. Double-click the Automatic Updates option.
c. Which four options are available for automatic updates?
  • Automatic (recommended) Option
  • Download Updates for Me, But Let Me Choose When to Install Them Option
  • Notify Me But Don’t Automatically Download or Install Them Option
  • Turn Off Automatic Updates Option
d. Click on the How Does Automatic Updates Work? link. Expand the How Are Updates
Downloaded? section by clicking on the + (plus sign) beside the option.
e. Based on the information presented, what happens if you are using your computer, updates are being
downloaded, and you disconnect from the Internet?
Jawaban: based the information if updates are process but suddenly disconnect to the internet  “if you disconnect from internet before updates are fully downloaded, nothing is lost. The download will be continue the next time you connect to the internet”
f. Expand the How Are Updates Installed? section.
Based on the output shown, what is the default time for when updates are installed?
Jawaban: update is daily updates, it nothing speciall time for update. But you are free to choose what time you want to update
g. Close the How Does Automatic Updates Work? window and return to the Automatic Updates window.
h. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the person who set up the computer chose this option?Jawaban: karena OS nya tidak original maka perlu di lakukan peng-update-tan supaya untuk melindungi OS dan Pc dari virus-virus dan bahaya lainnya.
i. Close the Automatic Updates window.
j. Another way of configuring a system for automatic updates is through the System control panel. Click
the Start button, click the Control Panel option, and double-click the System control panel icon.
Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
k. Are the options the same as before? Yes.
l. Close the System control panel.

Step 3: Determine an application version
a. Open any Windows-based application such as Microsoft Word.
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version?
d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a button, click on it. If
there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different options available under System Info,
including information related to your specific application. System Info provides similar information to
that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the menu, click them
to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for Updates option. Does the
application have this option? Jawaban: ya.
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for Updates option?
Why or why not? Jawaban: tidak karena Ms. Office yang saya gunakan full version.
. Close the application.

Step 4: Reflection 
a. When is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
Jawaban: ketika update itu sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung pengotimalan kerja dari aplikasi maupu os namun kesering update juga menimbulkan masalah oleh karena itu gunakanlah aplikasi maupu os yang full version. 
b. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating system or application is being used.
Jawaban: Ketika melihat versi terbaru dari software yang digunakan, maka perlu untuk melihat veri berapa software yang sedang digunakan ini.

Lab 1.5.3 Installing a Printer and Verifying Operation

Langkah-langkah menginstall printer: 
  1. Persiapkan printer lengkap(termasuk driver, usb penghubung, kabel powernya) dan komputer atau laptop yang akan diinstal printer.
  2. Pastikan semua alat tidak terhubung dengan listrik.
  3. Pasangkan kabel usb printer ke printer. Sesuaikan dengan port yang tersedia.
  4. Kemudian pasangkan kabel power untuk menghidupkannya. 
  5. Pasangkan ke komputer / laptop kabel usb yang satunya lagi., untuk menghubungkan komputer / laptop dengan priter tadi
  6. Hidupkan mesin printer dengan menekan tombol “ON” pada mesin printer. Pastikan komputer atau laptop sudah dalam keadaan hidup sebelumnya.
  7. Masukkan CD driver printer dan tunggu loadingnya hingga selesai. 
  8. Setelah Autorunnya berjalan dengan baik maka akan tampil "Select your Recidence”, pilihlah option Asia karena kita berada di benua Asia. 
  9. Setelah itu akan muncul “Select the Installation Method and Follow the Instruction on the Screen”, pilihan button/tombol “Easy Install” untuk penggunaan awal.
  10. Selanjutnya muncullah tampilan “Driver and On Screen Manual”, lalu klik button “Install” di pojok kanan bagian bawah. 
  11. Lalu muncullah tampilan Step 1 License “Agreement Canon Products”, lalu kliklah tombol “Yes” untuk melanjutkan proses. 
  12. Lalu CPU akan melakukan proses loading, tunggu sampai proses loading selesai.  
  13. Selanjutnya muncul tampilan Step 2 “Print Head Alignment Recommended”, lalu klik button “Next” untuk melanjutkan proses. 
  14. Selanjutnya muncul tampilan Step 2 “Installation Result”, lalu klik button “Next” dipojok kanan bawah untuk melanjutkan proses. 
  15. Selanjutnya muncul tampilan Step 3 Extended Survey program, Klik “Agree” untuk mengikuti surver dari pembuat printer, jika tidak setuju pilihlan "I don't Agree" untuk kemudian melanjutkan proses. 
  16. Jika setuju akan ada proses loading Scanner Extended Survey Program, tunggu sampai proses selesai. 
  17. Proses Intalation complete successfully artinya proses penginstallan telah berhasil. 
  18. CD Driver Intaller dapat membuka secara otomatis. Proses selesai.
  19. Beberapa printer akan melakukan Restart terhadap Sistim Operasi Anda, sebaiknya restart terlebuh dahulu.
  20. Kemudian cobalah melakukan test print untuk melihat hasilnya

Lab 1.3.3 Determining the Screen Resolution of a Computer

Lab 1.3.3 Determining the Screen Resolution of a Computer

Step 1: Determine the current screen resolution 
b. Use the Display Properties Settings tab to record the current settings on your PC: The screen resolution is (H by V) 
Jawaban : Horizontal The horizontal resolution is: 1024,
The vertical resolution is: 768,
The color quality value is: 32 bit
Step 2: Determine the maximum resolution for the highest color quality
b. Use the Display Properties Settings tab to fill out the following table for the current settings on your PC: Answere:
Minimum screen resolution                                           800×600 pixels
Maximum screen resolutio                                           1280×800 pixels
Available color quality settings medium                         (16 bit) dan highest 932 bit)

Step 3: Calculate the pixels for current and maximum resolution settings 
The display on the screen consists of rows of pixels. The number of pixels in each row is the horizontal resolution. The number of rows is the vertical resolution. To determine the total number of pixels in a screen resolution, you multiply the horizontal resolution by the vertical resolution. For example, if the current resolution is 1280 x 1024, the total number of pixels is 1280 times 1024, or 1,310,720. 
Jawaban :
a. Calculate the total number of pixels for the lowest resolution:  600 pixels
b. Calculate the total number of pixels for the maximum resolution:  1280 pixels

Step 4: Identify the type of graphics card installed
c. Use the information found in the Adapter tab to complete the following table:
Jawaban :
Graphics card manufacturer and model (Adapter Type)
Graphics memory on card (Memory Size)
Chip type, DAC Type, memory Size, adapter string, Bios infoemation128 MB, but this is based on speck of the each of the computer.

Step 5: Identify the type of monitor and available refresh rates 

b. Use the information found in the Monitor tab to complete the following table: 
Monitor type Plug and Play Monitor and NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400
Supported refresh rates 60 Hert

c. What can occur if you select a refresh rate that is higher than what the  monitor can safely display? 
Jawaban : Can be damage to hardware.

Lab 1.3.2 Determining Data Storage Capacity

Step 1: Identify the RAM in a computer
d. Check your computer and determine the amount of RAM available to the CPU. How much RAM is in your computer? 956 MB atau 1GB.
Step 2: Determine the size of the hard disk drive
c. Determine the size of the hard drive on your computer. What is the total size of the hard drive in GB?  The answer will vary depending on the hard drive installed in each computer. Jawaban: 74,4 GB

Step 3: Determine the free space and used space on the hard drive 
b. What is the used space of your hard drive in GB? Jawaban : 54,23 GB 
c. What is the free space of your hard drive in GB? Jawaban : 20,17 GB

Step 4: Check for other storage devices
How many drive letters are shown in the window that appears? Jawaban: 3

Step 5: Reflection 
a. Why is it important to know the amount of RAM in your computer? Jawaban: This will determine the type of OS that you are able to run as well as which application programs can be used. Generally the more RAM in a computer system the better 
b. Why is the size of a hard drive as well as the space being used important? Jawaban: The size of the hard drive gives an indication of the total number of files that can be stored on the drive. This includes the operating system, application programs as well as any data associated with these programs. Generally the larger the drive size the better.

CCNA Discovery 4 Module 4 Exam Answers Version 4.0

CCNA Discovery 4 Module 4 Exam Answers Version 4.0
1. In addition to the technical considerations, what other major factor is used to evaluate the success of a network installation?
• final project costs 
• maintenance costs 
• user satisfaction 
• statistics describing the performance of network devices 

2. Which two network applications are most affected by network congestion and delays? (Choose two.) 
• IP telephony 
• live video webcasts
• audio file downloads 
• online banking services 
• file archival and retrieval 

3. What two Cisco tools can be used to analyze network application traffic? (Choose two.) 
• NetFlow
• AutoQoS 
• Wireshark 
• Custom Queuing 

4. In network design, which technology can be implemented to prioritize traffic based on its importance and technical requirements?
• STP 
• QoS • RTP 
• TCP 
• VPN 

5. What are two characteristics of voice over IP traffic? (Choose two.) 
• Voice packets tend to be small. 
• Voice packets must be processed in real time.
• Voice packets can effectively use TCP reliability features. 
• Voice traffic can survive packet drops and retransmission delays. 
• Voice packets must be converted to analog before being sent across the IP network. 
• Voice packets automatically receive a higher priority value than other types of packets. 

6. What are two things that a network designer can do to determine current and anticipated network traffic flows? (Choose two.)
• Survey end users to obtain customer input. 
• Upgrade the Cisco IOS software in all networking devices to optimize traffic flow. 
• Limit the analysis to host-to-server traffic because host-to-host traffic is unimportant. 
• Run a network traffic analysis to determine which applications are in use and by whom. 
• Conduct an inventory of all networking devices that includes model numbers and memory configurations 

7. A company that has a traditional telephone system wants to convert to IP telephony. Which two factors should be considered for the design? (Choose two.)
• Digital communications systems have greater noise than analog systems when processing voice traffic. 
• Voice-enabled routers or a server must be used for call control and signaling. • Voice to IP conversions can cause router overhead. 
• Power to the phones can be supplied through properly equipped patch panels or switches. 
• The cost to combine voice and data VLANs can be a considerable amount. 

8. Several web and email servers have recently been installed as part of an enterprise network. The security administrator has been asked to provide a summary of security features that can be implemented to help prevent unauthorized traffic from being sent into or out of sensitive internal networks. Which three features should the security administrator recommend? (Choose three.)
• firewalls • priority queuing 
• access control lists 
• intrusion detection systems
• 128-bit WEP 

9. The design of an IP telephony system needs to meet the technical requirements to provide a connection to the PSTN as well as provide high-quality voice transmissions using the campus network. Which two elements directly affect the ability of the design to meet these requirements?(Choose two.)
• voice-enabled firewall 
• PoE switches and patch panels 
• redundant backbone connectivity 
• voice-enabled router at the enterprise edge 
• separate voice and data VLANs with QoS implemented

10. When implementing VoIP services, which two design considerations should be followed?(Choose two.) 
• Confirm that network jitter is minimal. 
• Use TCP to reduce delays and dropped packets. 
• Establish priority queuing to ensure that large data packets are sent uninterrupted. 
• Disable real-time protocols to reduce queuing strategy demands. 
• Ensure that packet delays do not exceed 150 ms. 

11. What design strategy should be followed when designing a network that uses video on demand? 
• implement the appropriate routing protocol to ensure that data segments arrive in order 
• implement different QoS queues based on the type of video traffic being distributed 
• install servers to store the data in a centrally located server farm 
• configure queuing in the core routers to ensure high availability 

12. When implementing QoS in traffic queues, what is the first step the designer should take to ensure that traffic is properly prioritized?
• define QoS policies 
• define traffic classes 
• determine traffic patterns 
• identify traffic requirements 
• identify networking equipment 

13. Which two statements are characteristics of file transfer traffic flows? (Choose two.) 
• RTP should be used. 
• Traffic is predictable. 
• Packets are small in size. 
• Transfers are throughput intensive. 
• Response-time requirements are low.

14. Which two items can be determined by diagramming internal traffic flow? (Choose two.) 
• the type of ISP services needed 
• the capabilities of end-user devices 
• the areas where network congestion may occur 
• the location of VPN servers used to connect teleworkers 
• locations where high-bandwidth connections are required 

15. Which two traffic types are examples of external traffic flows? (Choose two.) 
• A user in the IT department telnets to the core layer router. 
• A user in marketing connects to the web server of a competitor. 
• A user in the IT department telnets into the access layer switch. 
• A user in the services department logs in to a web-based email program. 
• A user in accounting connects to an FTP server that is connected to the access layer switch. 

16. Which service can be provided by the NetFlow Cisco utility? 
• network planning and mapping 
• IDS and IPS capabilities 
• peak usage times and traffic routing 
• network billing and accounting application 
• security and user account restrictions 
• source and destination UDP port mapping 

17. Refer to the exhibit. If ACL 150 identifies only voice traffic from network and no other traffic, which queue will voice traffic from other networks use?
• high 
• normal 
• medium 
• default 

18. Refer to the exhibit. After configuring QoS, a network administrator issues the command show queueing interface s0/1. What two pieces of information can an administrator learn from the output of this command? (Choose two.)
• queue traffic definitions 
• priority list protocol assignments 
• type of queuing being implemented 
• number of packets placed in each queue
• queuing defaults that have been changed 
• queuing has not been applied to this interface 

19. An analysis of network protocols reveals that RTP and RTCP are being used. What uses these protocols? 
• IDS 
• VPN 
• firewall 
• real-time video 

20. A company is considering adding voice and video to the data networks. Which two statements are true if voice and video are added? (Choose two.)
• PoE switches must be purchased. 
• More UDP-based traffic flows will be evident. 
• Response times will be increased even if QoS is implemented. 
• QoS will most likely be implemented to prioritize traffic flows. 
• VPNs will most likely be implemented to protect the voice traffic. 

21. Refer to the exhibit. Which option correctly matches the terms on top with its definition on the bottom? 
• A=1, B=3, C=2, D=4 
• A=2, B=1, C=4, D=3 
• A=2, B=4, C=1, D=3 
• A=3, B=2, C=4, D=1 
• A=4, B=3, C=1, D=2 
• A=4, B=2, C=3, D=1 

22. A database server is configured to purge all data that is 60 days old. Ten data items that are 60 days old are to be purged. However, there is a failure halfway through the transaction, and the entire transaction is voided. What type of transaction action occurred?
• atomic 
• consistent 
• durable 
• isolated 

23. What is the primary goal of QoS? 
• classification of traffic 
• filtering and queuing voice traffic 
• reducing bandwidth requirements 
• providing priority service to selected traffic 

24. Which technology provides a mechanism for implementing QoS at Layer 2? 
• ToS 
• CoS 
• IP precedence 

25. A customer purchases tickets online and pays using a credit card, but the system goes down before the transaction is complete. What transaction type retains a record of this transaction after the system failure so that the customer will still receive the tickets and the credit card account will be debited accordingly?
• atomic 
• consistent 
• durable 
• isolated 

26. Refer to the exhibit. The network design documents include requirements to prevent switching loops, to provide link-specific failover, and to provide Layer 3 recovery. Which two protocols would be needed to provide the support? (Choose two.)
• PPP 

27. network design must minimize latency to support real-time streaming applications. Which two protocols enable control and scalability of the network resources and minimize latency by incorporating QoS mechanisms? (Choose two.)
• RTP 
• RPC 

28. Which two major differences are associated with IP telephony when compared to traditional telephony that uses a PBX? (Choose two.)
• manages phones centrally 
• utilizes centralized call routing 
• creates peer-to-peer relationships between phones 
• requires a separate infrastructure to support data transfer 
• requires significant manual configuration when adding, moving, or changing phones 

29. When QoS is implemented in a converged network, which two factors can be controlled to improve performance? (Choose two.)
• link speed 
• delay 
• packet routing 
• jitter 
• packet addressing